
sex flat Learn more about sex flat

  • The method of sex discrimination of ducks

    The method of sex discrimination of ducks

    The method of sex discrimination of ducks

  • The 11 most protective vegetables! How many do you know?

    The 11 most protective vegetables! How many do you know?

    Introduce 11 kinds of vegetables to you, which are commonly used in people's life, rich in nutrients, beneficial to liver disease patients, and can be eaten frequently. The water spinach is...

  • How to raise Aristolochia

    How to raise Aristolochia

    How to raise Aristolochia? Aristolochia is native to tropical Asia, with peculiar flower pattern and long flowering period. it is usually divided into two types according to its growth form: one is native to alpine cool areas, with all-green leaves, large and colorful flowers, cold and cold sex, summer dormancy, and flat land is not easy to cultivate; the other kind of leaves are striped, warm and damp.

  • Introduction of common wild Ganoderma lucidum varieties

    Introduction of common wild Ganoderma lucidum varieties

    Because of the different varieties of wild Ganoderma lucidum, the pharmacological effects of wild Ganoderma lucidum have something in common and personality. The personalities of different common wild Ganoderma lucidum varieties are introduced as follows: Ganoderma lucidum document name: Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum and so on. Morphological features: fruiting body perennial, sessile, woody, cap semicircular, subreniform or irregular. Function: slightly bitter, flat. Anti-cancer, treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis, early liver cirrhosis, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, breast

  • There are common wild Ganoderma lucidum.

    There are common wild Ganoderma lucidum.

    Common are those wild Ganoderma lucidum, ask for introduction, wild Ganoderma lucidum because of its different varieties, pharmacological effects have their similarities, but also have personality. The personalities of different common wild Ganoderma lucidum varieties are introduced as follows: Ganoderma lucidum document name: Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum and so on. Morphological features: son.

  • How do you spend the winter?

    How do you spend the winter?

    The mackerel mainly belongs to the class Insecta. It is relatively large and somewhat similar in shape to locusts. So do you know how to spend the winter? Let's have a look! 1. Heat preservation measures should be taken in winter. The most suitable ambient temperature is 2.

    2020-11-11 Winter winter and winter.
  • Matching planting techniques of pollution-free vegetables

    Matching planting techniques of pollution-free vegetables

    Matching planting techniques of pollution-free vegetables

  • How to sow the seeds of Angelica dahurica?

    How to sow the seeds of Angelica dahurica?

    How to sow the seeds of Angelica dahurica? What should I pay attention to? Also ask netizens to help introduce Baizhi sex like warm and humid, sunny, afraid of high temperature, can withstand cold, strong adaptability. Angelica dahurica had better use seed propagation, generally use direct seeding, not suitable for transplanting, transplanting plant root bifurcation, main root growth is poor, shadow.

  • The flower words and legends of cornflower

    The flower words and legends of cornflower

    The flower words and legends of cornflower

  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Codonopsis pilosula

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Codonopsis pilosula

    The traditional Chinese medicine Codonopsis pilosula is used as a root and is born on the edge of a forest or in bushes. Distributed in western Sichuan, Gansu, Shanxi, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi, Northeast and other places. Cultivation is available in most provinces and cities throughout the country. Taste sweet, sex is flat. First, the biological characteristics of strong cold resistance, like cool mountain areas, can be planted in mountainous areas with an elevation of 800,000m, and sandy loam soil with deep soil layer, good drainage and high humus content is better, and continuous cropping is avoided. 2. reproduction method Codonopsis pilosula adopts the method of sexual reproduction, which is divided into direct seeding and seedling transplanting.

  • The Source and selection experience of Freshwater White Pomfret parent Fish in Culture

    The Source and selection experience of Freshwater White Pomfret parent Fish in Culture

    The freshwater white Pomfret has a strong reproductive ability, and the parent fish should choose individuals with large size, fast growth, no disease or injury, smooth body surface and distinct color as the parent fish. Moreover, it is necessary to avoid fish that are close to green as parents, so as not to degenerate and affect the growth of offspring.

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture freshwater white Pomfret parent fish source and selection experience
  • The latest flower words and legends of cornflower

    The latest flower words and legends of cornflower

    Cornflower, which originated in Europe, is originally a kind of wild flower. after many years of cultivation, the wild flowers have become less wild, the flowers have become larger, and the colors have become more and more. There are purple, blue, light red, white and other varieties, of which purple and blue are the most precious. In Germany's hillsides, fields, watersides,

    2020-11-10 The latest corncar chrysanthemum flower language and legend Kikuhara
  • Is silver carp freshwater fish or sea fish? What is the nutritional value and efficacy?

    Is silver carp freshwater fish or sea fish? What is the nutritional value and efficacy?

    Silver carp, also known as silver carp, silver carp, etc., it is one of the four famous domestic fish, the four major fish are: herring, grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp. Silver carp has sweet taste, flat sex, non-toxic, fresh and tender meat and rich nutrition, so it is one of the excellent fish species suitable for culture. that,

    2020-11-11 Silver carp yes freshwater fish or sea fish have what nutrition value
  • Swan Sujian orchid

    Swan Sujian orchid

    Jianlan swan is a variety of Suxinjian orchid. Strong fragrance, drooping leaves, broad leaves, graceful leaf shape. 3 ─ 5 leaves per stem with good gloss. The green claw in the new bud stage turns white gradually after the adult plant, and the vertical line of the covering wheel of the high-art plant can reach the base of the leaf, which is easy to reproduce. The petals are fat and broad, the color is clean and green, one stem is 5 ─ 10 flowers, the flowering sex is good.

  • Distribution of producing area of eel

    Distribution of producing area of eel

    Distribution of producing area of eel

  • Cultivation and field management of Codonopsis pilosula

    Cultivation and field management of Codonopsis pilosula

    The traditional Chinese medicine Codonopsis pilosula is used as a root and is born on the edge of a forest or in bushes. Distributed in western Sichuan, Gansu, Shanxi, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi, Northeast and other places. Cultivation is available in most provinces and cities throughout the country. Taste sweet, sex is flat. How can Codonopsis pilosula be cultivated and managed in the field?

    2020-11-08 Codonopsis pilosula of cultivation and field management traditional Chinese medicine root
  • What is the animal nicknamed "flat head"? What does it look like? Do you have any natural enemies?

    What is the animal nicknamed

    There are all kinds of animals living in nature, among which there is an animal nicknamed "flat head Brother" that is naturally bold and fearless. Then what is this? What does it look like? Do you have any natural enemies? What is the animal nicknamed Brother flat head? 1. Introduce the nickname Brother flat head.

    2020-11-11 Nickname "flat head " yes animal what is it long what?
  • Producing area of persimmon in Shaanxi

    Producing area of persimmon in Shaanxi

    Shaanxi persimmon is mainly produced in Shangluo, Weinan, Fuping and other areas of Shaanxi. Shaanxi persimmon is the fruit of deciduous Arbor persimmon with many varieties. There are famous varieties of Fuping persimmon, whose fruit is flat and round, good quality, seedless and high yield. Introduction of persimmon in Shaanxi

    2020-11-09 Shaanxi persimmon producing area production landlord to be in
  • What do "invertebrate" crickets (crickets) rely on to make their calls? When is it called? What do you call it?

    What do

    Cricket, farmers often call it cricket, cricket. For invertebrates of the family Orthoptera crickets, they are crop destroyers and pests in the eyes of farmers. What makes the crickets sing? What do you call it? Cricket invertebrate

    2020-11-11 "invertebrates " crickets crickets yes shit what send out
  • Introduction of 15 kinds of common spices

    Introduction of 15 kinds of common spices

    Spices refer to a class of natural mechanical products with typical fragrant and spicy flavors, or some essential oils extracted from plants (flowers, leaves, stems, roots, fruits or whole grasses, etc.). The antioxidant properties of spices have been used for a long time.

    2020-11-27 Common 15 kinds spices ingredients varieties introductions refers to